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Lupus Warrior of the Month: April (2014)

Nicole_LupusWarriorofMonthAprilFor the month of April (2014) our beautiful lupus warrior is Necole Jackson. Here is her lupus story: 

Necole was officially diagnosed with lupus on June 8, 2010. As a young, strong woman in the military, it was hard for her to believe she had an illness. Her life drastically changed, and she transitioned out of the military into the civilian world. After the initial struggle to accept her lupus, Necole has now happily taken control of her life and is better than ever. Despite the condition, she works out four to five times a week. Necole participated in the first ever Walk For a Cure event in Columbia in October and had a wonderful time supporting lupus advocacy and maintaing her active lifestyle. “Lupus CSC is such a wonderful organization striving to make everyone aware of lupus, because it is real. I look forward to more events in the future,” said Necole. 

Struggles: “Throughout the years I struggled with taking medication. I didn’t like taking it so I wouldn’t, because I was in denial about lupus.” 

Best coping mechanism: “My best coping mechanism is going to the gym and working out. This helps keep the stress level down, and I have a better quality of life.” 

Thought: “Lupus is not a curse. It is a blessing. It teaches you to be stronger than you have ever been in your life. When people see you, they see inspiration.”