Familyhealthlupussupport group

Support Group Sharing With Care

Sunday afternoons are best known to be a time set aside for family and friends.  On Sunday, August 18, 2013, a new family of friends gathered at the Richland County Library St. Andrews Branch, on Broad River Road, to share tips, suggestions, and relaxation techniques.  The Lupus Columbia SC first local support group meeting was transformed from a casual gathering to a room of enthusiasts. There was no need for formal introductions as everyone knew why they had come to meet.   From physician recommendations to trying the vitamin Melatonin to help with insomnia, the Lupus Columbia SC support group attendees shared their tried and true living successfully with lupus tips, with each other.  Among the conversation were the following tidbits:


“Use Saffron (extracts) to curb cravings. It will help slow ‘carb’ cravings. Saffron suppresses your appetite.”

“Taking Melatonin on a regular basis helps with insomnia.”

“Your favorite music can help you relax.”

“The steam from your shower along with a little stretching and messaging of the muscles helps relieve stress.”

“Exercises like Pilates and Yoga can help with stress and build muscle strength. “

“Several rheumatology offices, here in Columbia, specialize in treating patients diagnosed with lupus.”

So much information was exchanged, that there was no need for a support group facilitator.  The group would benefit from a reporter to record the numerous recommendations shared.  One support group attendee, who came along to support a friend, excitedly exclaimed that the information was definitely useful for everyone, “whether they have lupus or not.”

The information provided in this site, or through linkages to other sites, is not a substitute for medical or professional care, and you should not use the information in place of a visit, call consultation or the advice of your physician or other healthcare provider.


~Article contributed by J. H. Johnson~